On July 1, 2023, GY&LF Ltd transferred its activity (and all its employees) to the UK branch of CGL, Compagnie Generale de Location d’Equipements S.A, the finance company which works with and owns GY&LF Ltd.
This branch, called Compagnie Generale de Location d’Equipements UK (trading under the name of CGI FINANCE), is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN: 959023) to carry out brokering and lending activities in the UK.
We hope that this change, brought about by the UK leaving the E.U., will be a positive development for all clients.
CGI FINANCE will continue to assist you in the same way as GY&LF Ltd.
CGI FINANCE contact details are:
Compagnie Generale de Location d'Equipements UK – CGI FINANCE
First Floor, 55 High Street, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 9AH, UK
Tel: 01590 610689
CGI FINANCE looks forward to continuing to provide the quality service you expect and to supporting the UK marine activity moving forward.